Energy Forum Week & EE-ISAC 22nd Members Plenary
ianusGroup will be supporting the EE-ISAC with the organization of the "Energy Forum Week" taking place at the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) in Athens for the Conference on Cybersecurity, and with the EE-ISAC 22nd Members Plenary on September 20-22.
The 6th Edition of the Cybersecurity event - organized also by E.DSO, ENCS and ENTSO-E - will be dedicated to the European energy grids’ security in a changed landscape by closing skill gaps and getting prepared.
The 22nd Members Plenary will represent a valuable opportunity for its members to discuss about the European energy threat landscape and to share valuable insights and good practices on threat intelligence. It is also an important moment to discuss about the information-sharing system, ongoing projects and initiatives, as well as other internal matters related to the Association.
The event is free of charge to attend. It is an open meeting where quality experiences, realities, and information will be exchanged in an open, transparent, and trusted manner among colleagues in accordance with the TLP principle. Those who won't be able to attend in person, there will be the possibility to virtually connect.
Kindly note that if you are not able to be present on-site, there will be the possibility to virtually connect. The event's agenda and additional information will follow shortly. In the meantime, save the date and register below to secure your participation!